Static IP Addresses

The very basic explanation of a static public IP address is the IP address never changes as long as you stay with the same provider (ISPTek).

Our static public IP address is a little different than most technical people know the setup as. We are used to getting a few things when we request a static public IP address, the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Then we put that into the WAN area of the router or modem, and we are good to go.

For our static IPs, it is more of a DHCP reservation to keep it simple. We give you the public IP address that is assigned to your SIM and you leave your router or modem in DHCP mode. Your router or modem will always get that same IP address and it will never change.


Just a quick recap of setting up your router or modem with a static IP:

  1. Leave router/modem in DHCP mode
  2. Let the device grab the IP address
  3. That IP will then always be yours and attached to your SIM for as long as you keep the service
  4. Do not try to use a manual IP address mode



Q. Do you block any public facing ports? (Ports 80, 443, 22)

A. No, we do not block any public facing ports and you can use them as you would like. If you have a router GUI exposed to the web on port 80 and using a SIM card for out of band management, you can then go right to your static IP and access port 80 of the router.


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