Data Pooling

ISPTek's innovative data pooling system offers a flexible and efficient way for users to manage their cellular data across multiple devices. By pooling plans of the same category together, users can share a collective data allowance, ensuring that they make the most out of their subscriptions and avoid overage charges. Here's how it works:

Understanding Data Pooling

Data pooling allows you to combine the data allowances of multiple plans into a single, shared pool. This pool can then be accessed by any device within that pool, giving you the flexibility to use data across different devices without worrying about individual plan limits.

Pool Categories: Base and Signature Plans

ISPTek offers two main categories of plans that can be pooled: Cellular Base Plans and Cellular Signature Plans. These are identified by a Pool ID, which comes with a prefix of 'B' or 'S':

  • B: Represents any Cellular Base Plans in the pool.
  • S: Represents any Cellular Signature Plans added to the pool.

It's important to note that Base Plans cannot be mixed with Signature Plans within a single pool and vise versa, ensuring that the pooling system remains straightforward and easy to manage.

Creating and Managing Data Pools

To create a data pool, you need to have more than two devices. There's no limit to the number of pools you can have, offering significant flexibility for users with multiple devices or plans. Here's what you need to know:

  • Pool ID: Each pool is assigned a unique Pool ID, which is used to track and manage the pool. For example, if you have pooled six 20GB plans, your Pool ID might be "S1548", indicating a collective pool of 120GB.
  • Data Usage Checker: With your Pool ID, you can easily check the total usage of your devices in that pool, making it simple to monitor and manage your data consumption.

Maximizing Your Data

One of the key benefits of ISPTek's data pooling is the ability to maximize data usage across devices. For instance, if you have a pooled total of 120GB, one device could use up to 100GB, while the others collectively use the remaining 20GB. This flexibility ensures that you can allocate data as needed, without fear of incurring overage charges.

Key Considerations

  • Overages: It's not possible to opt out of overages within a data pool. The pooled data is shared among all devices, and the collective usage determines whether the pool exceeds its allowance.
  • Pooling Rules: Users cannot mix Base and Signature plans within the same pool. This rule helps keep the pooling process straightforward and user-friendly.


ISPTek's data pooling system is designed with flexibility and simplicity in mind, allowing users to efficiently manage their data across multiple devices. Whether you're looking to combine Base or Signature plans, the pooling system ensures that you can maximize your data usage, avoid overage charges, and enjoy seamless connectivity across all your devices.

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